Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I miss my feet

Only 17 days until D-Day and I am definitely starting to feel it. My feet look like one of those hospital gloves blown up, my fingers swell with any usage or heat, and my belly button is almost an outtie. I do have to say I am suprised I have stayed an innie for so long...I thought that my belly button would be one of the first things to "pop" being pregnant. Although feeling like a beached whale with hobbit feet (minus the hair) is not the most enjoyable thing in life, I am still leaning towards believing all of this is 100% worth going through. Nothing that doesn't take some sacrifice or hard work is worth having, right?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Desserts to lower your fat thermostate

Being a sugar free person has not been the easiest thing in the world...especially since I have been pregnant. Chocolate chip cookies and doughnuts just seem to want to be eaten by me lately. Luckily my mother in law introduced me to this cookbook, Desserts to lower your fat thermostate. Instead of using sugar for tasty treats it uses mostly apple or pineapple juice concentrate to sweeten up cookies, muffins, ice cream, etc. Most of what I have made has turned out pretty good, especially the muffins and it is nice to be able to eat a treat when Eric pulls out the ice cream. I would definitely recommend taking a look at this recipe book if you are looking for a healthy snack that still has a sweet kick to it. My next recipe on the docket is the blueberry ice cream...mmm....hopefully it will help me kick the need to crave a blueberry cake doughnut.