Thursday, November 5, 2009

Just Breathe...Happy Almost Weekend

The past few weeks have sent Eric and I running around with our heads cut off.  We all had H1N1 and unfortunately time doesn't stop for the sick.  Because of this, it feels like we are half zombie lately.  As we catch up and try to get ahead, it has been hard to find time to let our bodies get some good R&R.  I am looking forward to this weekend...once Saturday morning is over it is time to relax and finally have a date night.  Happy weekend to you all!

(No Keeli is not dad is holding her up behind us.  :) I am always ready for another beach trip!)


Annette and Rick said...

Hope you had a relaxing weekend. I love that picture...let's go back to the beach!

Annette and Rick said...

BTW, I like your new background.