This post is a conglomeration of thoughts from the past two days. Eric gave a family night last night on the article by Thomas S. Monson found in the April 2008 Ensign titled, "Treasure of Eternal Value" that really hit me. My dad today then titled one of his e-mails to me "Just another crazy day in paradise" and that once again got my mind going.
It is so important to live today as if tomorrow isn't coming. I have definitely put off doing this since my college career and have made it a goal to get into the habit of making every day count. I can't use homework, tiredness, or projects as an excuse to put off serving, loving, and progressing in life. (Not that these were ever good excuses beforehand.)
I love what President Monson said about life. He stated, "There is no tomorrow to remember if we don’t do something today, and to live most fully today, we must do that which is of greatest importance. Let us not procrastinate those things which matter most." Procrastination is for people who are too afraid to live life or too blinded by the world to take the time to do what matters most.
In addition to not putting off the good things in life I want to make sure I take time to enjoy each thing I do. Sure, life is hectic and hard but we can make life paradise each day, even if it is a little crazy. Life isn't meant to be perfect and I plan on working hard to make the most of each day, even with the bumps that get tossed in.
I want to make today a day I never forget, a day that wasn't wasted, and a day I can say was just another crazy day in paradise.
Great blog Laci! Good reminder to us all! Each day truely is a gift!
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